We love teaching so many firsts to all of God’s children, especially our Pre-K students!
Our Pre-K program is split up into three different levels/classes that are based on child age, experience and current or past learning. To help with deciding on the perfect classroom space for you child, we will have a discussion with prospective parents/guardians about all of the former things as well as what they feel would be the best fit for their child.
Our goal is to have your child love learning and to absorb as much as they can while they are at FCS. We feel classroom fit is one of the most important decisions when it comes to meeting those goals. For this reason, the first couple of weeks of classroom time are also used to observe and finalize the classroom space your child will be in for the year. Our three classroom spaces are:
- Pre-K 3’s (Year 1): First time experience with little or no academic background (2.5 to 3 years old; must be fully potty trained)
- Pre-K 4’s (Year 2): Has some academic or center experience (3-4 years old; must be fully potty trained)
- Jr. K (Early Entrance Kindergarten): Early entrance Kindergarten with Pre-K aged students (usually 4 year olds; must be fully potty trained)
Our Full Day Pre-K Schedule:

The curriculum we use for each Pre-K classes are hands on and include:
- Year 1: Pre-School Palace
- Year 2: Busy Toddler 2
- Jr. K: Abeka Kindergarten
We also use supplemental materials with these curricula, to keep the learning fun, memorable and supportive.
In addition, all classes have daily Bible, large group Chapel on Tuesday and Thursday, weekly music, P.E. and world language time.
All students at FCS participate in world language learning. Pre-K has a read aloud time with the language.
We also have a school garden in our atrium that every class participates in (from clean up to planting seeds to harvesting). Each class has their own planter/planting area. The kids love the garden and learn so much from it!
Summer Extension/Programs